Dragon Diffusion fuses modern design with ancient techniques, creating leather handbags that will last for years to come. Belgian designer Craig Wright founded the brand in Florence, Italy, mimicking traditional basketweaving with strips of high-quality Tuscan leather. Today, the bags are handcrafted in India by artisans, tanned with vegetable dyes, and shaped to fashion-forward silhouettes that have earned the brand their cult status in recent years. The premium natural materials and impeccable craftsmanship ensure that every bag is durable and stylish enough to carry anywhere and everywhere.
Collection: Dragon Diffusion
Dragon Diffusion fuses modern design with ancient techniques, creating leather handbags that will last for years to come. Belgian designer Craig Wright founded the brand in Florence, Italy, mimicking traditional basketweaving with strips of high-quality Tuscan leather. Today, the bags are handcrafted in India by artisans, tanned with vegetable dyes, and shaped to fashion-forward silhouettes that have earned the brand their cult status in recent years. The premium natural materials and impeccable craftsmanship ensure that every bag is durable and stylish enough to carry anywhere and everywhere.